A catering business offering customized meal deliveries on customers preferred dates. Built on the robust roots.io stack (trellis + bedrock + sage), this WordPress site boasts a unique cart flow, pricing system tailored to the business needs and custom reports for delivery and supply.
apeteat.ro Ecommerce Lead Developer 11/2023
aurelianashop.com Ecommerce Digital Experience Architect 08/2023
A sleek Woocommerce store specializing in fashion pieces. Developed on the roots.io stack (trellis + bedrock) with a customized theme, delivering a seamless and tailored shopping experience.
erasoppi.fi Ecommerce Lead Developer 04/2022
A multisite WordPress platform powered by Woocommerce, offering both sales and rentals of outdoor equipment. Developed on the robust roots.io stack (trellis + bedrock) with a customized Astra theme, this platform boasts advanced features including Klevu integration for AI-driven search, recommendations and category product listings.