Optimizing WooCommerce SEO with WPML Currency Switch for Bots

Optimizing WooCommerce SEO with WPML Currency Switch for Bots

February 20, 2024 2 min read

WPML Currency Switch for Bots Plugin Overview

The WPML Currency Switch for Bots plugin, crafted by me, is a specialized WordPress extension designed for WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency setups. It targets Googlebot, ensuring that currency display is consistent during indexing, which is pivotal for international SEO optimization.

Core Features

  • Bot Detection & Currency Adjustment: The plugin identifies Googlebot through the HTTP_USER_AGENT and alters the default currency by manipulating the wcml_geolocation_get_user_country hook.
  • WooCommerce Compatibility: It integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce and the WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency plugins.

Implementation Steps

  1. Installation: Place the plugin within the wp-content/plugins directory of your WordPress installation and activate it through the admin dashboard.
  2. Configuration: Modify the plugin's source to specify the desired country code for the default currency presented to Googlebot.

Technical Insights

The plugin's effectiveness hinges on its ability to discern Googlebot and adjust the currency accordingly via the wcml_geolocation_get_user_country filter. This direct intervention in the currency determination process necessitates meticulous configuration to ensure accurate SEO results.


  • SEO Optimization: By standardizing the currency indexed by Googlebot, the plugin aids in achieving consistent and accurate international SEO rankings.
  • Strategic Flexibility: It allows site administrators to dictate the currency that Googlebot indexes, offering strategic leverage in global markets.

In essence, the WPML Currency Switch for Bots plugin is a strategic tool for e-commerce platforms aiming to enhance their international SEO footprint by controlling the currency exposure to Googlebot within WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency environments.


You can download the plugin from my git repo: https://github.com/alex-draghici/currency-switch-for-bots